Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hey, Hey, Hey

Today is a really odd day.

I have conflicting moods.

It is very odd, because one mood is telling me to be happy and smiling and the other one is telling me to be depressed and tired. It is wierd because this never happens to me. Ever.

I dont know how many people ACTUALLY read this. If you are a reader at all of this blog, leave me a comment on this post just saying something. I always like feedback.

BTW, another invitation out to all who would like to get to know Christ. Send me a comment or an email at and I will happily talk to you about Him. For those who dont want to talk yet, you feel uncomfortable, or just not willing to admit you arent perfect, Id like to invite you, no BEG you to come to First Baptist Church and experience it.



Magen said...

hey i really like your blog it's cool ttys!!!

cloud strife said...

ahhhh i see your ways no bender.. it leads u 2 a futile ending. muwhahaha *evil laugh*...rofl anyway. and mr.Bender if u have any ? on Christ or need help or anything im always open lol well i think i no quite alot since i was borned n raised n church but idk..aNyWaY if u need help u got me :P l8r