Monday, March 10, 2008

The Marchness!!!!!

Its March. Has been for ten days (im slow, sorry). Got my permit on the 4th. Should have been the 3rd but those people are stupid in Norman.

Im getting more involved in my church (woohoo!) and some pretty amazing things are happening around these parts. Id like to invite anyone who reads this that is even in the slightest interested to come to First Baptist Church of Maysville. It is a really good church, really good youth pastor.

When it comes to music, my bands have changed, Skillet is now on the YTB, not Slipknot, so you can pretty much tell where my focus is heading.

Skillet is, to say the least, creepy. lol They are a Christian gospel group, but watch Whispers in the Dark. Just creepy.

Gotta go, ill post again soon.


1 comment:

cloud strife said...

\/\/()()T 1st comment...bender retard its youth minister not youth pastor......duh. thats right it better be going to skillet slipnot is gay and dumb