Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Today is the Day... (2/20/08)

Today is the day... that I have no idea what to do, or what to talk about on the blog. I normally try to at least entertain my readers with something interesting to read about how I think that would help them understand me, since anyone hardly ever does. But today, I am at a loss for words. I know my instructor wants me to do something, but im not clear on what it is.

So... What do you talk about when you dont know what to talk about? Exactly... you talk about how you normally dont know what to talk about, and how you think about things...

... ... ... ...



... So...

My day pretty much goes the same every day, and that little thing in the back of my head, call it a voice, call it a conscience (sp?), call it whatever a deranged, crazy person would call it, just because I dont know what to call it, but that little thing, just wants something different, something crazy to happen. I guess it does in all of us, but it bugs the crap out of me. Not much else I can say about the voice/conscience/stupid-thing-that-tells-me-what-to-do in my head.

What else can you do about something bugging you? Especially when it isnt physical. Some get therapy. Some ignore it. Some snap and do crazy stuff.
I go to sleep. lol It seems to abate when im sleeping, if that makes any sense.

I hope everyone has a nice day, since most people in my class are playing games and posting on blogger. The voice says hi.

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