Friday, February 22, 2008

Places in Garvin County

Some places in Garvin county that have active psychologists is:

1) McClain - Garvin County Youth and Family Center (MGCYFC). These people help out the youth with some problems and help families with other issues they may be dealing with.

2) Garvin County Health Department. This department offers many, many different services, most of which require a psychologists aid to accomplish.

3) School Counselor. Most times, counselors have a psychology minor, and provide services for the school they are employed in.

I would like to shadow a School counselor or the McClain - Garvin County Youth and Family Center.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

What my career would take...

As you probably already know, my career choice is Psychology, and when you go to college, you could get a Psychology minor, a Bachelors of Science, a Masters of Science, or a Ph.D.

The Bachelors of Science is on a 4 year plan and would require me taking alot of classes.

The cost would be around $30,000 for attendance, estimated.

I would like to attend OU or ECU.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Today is the Day... (2/20/08)

Today is the day... that I have no idea what to do, or what to talk about on the blog. I normally try to at least entertain my readers with something interesting to read about how I think that would help them understand me, since anyone hardly ever does. But today, I am at a loss for words. I know my instructor wants me to do something, but im not clear on what it is.

So... What do you talk about when you dont know what to talk about? Exactly... you talk about how you normally dont know what to talk about, and how you think about things...

... ... ... ...



... So...

My day pretty much goes the same every day, and that little thing in the back of my head, call it a voice, call it a conscience (sp?), call it whatever a deranged, crazy person would call it, just because I dont know what to call it, but that little thing, just wants something different, something crazy to happen. I guess it does in all of us, but it bugs the crap out of me. Not much else I can say about the voice/conscience/stupid-thing-that-tells-me-what-to-do in my head.

What else can you do about something bugging you? Especially when it isnt physical. Some get therapy. Some ignore it. Some snap and do crazy stuff.
I go to sleep. lol It seems to abate when im sleeping, if that makes any sense.

I hope everyone has a nice day, since most people in my class are playing games and posting on blogger. The voice says hi.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Musical Age (2/19/08)

Just when you think you have it all good and done, you find you aren't quite all that. For some people they need this revalation. But for me, it's been with music. I love music. Completely, wholely, I just LOVE music. Its awesome. I put up the video bar of one of my favorite bands and some of their songs, and it did what I wanted it to (for once). There isnt much I can say about music, it is so mysterious, unexplored. So many different things you can do with it. You can make a guitar sound very creepy and soothing at the same time it is creepy. Just some of my thoughts.

Talk to you guys more tomarrow, time to go. =) happy hunting whatever it is you are hunting. lol

The Career I am Researching and Some Interesting Things

After some time thinking about it (a 3 day weekend, playing Rock Band(good thinking huh, lol)) I chose Psychologist as my career choice.

To explain what a psychologist is and what they might do.
1) Psychologists study the human mind and human behavior
2) There are many different type of psychologists, some are:
2a) Clinical
2b) Health
2c) Counseling
2d) School (thats what I said... huh?)
2e) Industrial-organizational (say that 10 times fast, lol)
2f) Developmental
3) A doctoral degree usually is required for independent practice as a psychologist. Psychologists with a Ph.D. or Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) qualify for a wide range of teaching, research, clinical, and counseling positions in universities, health care services, elementary and secondary schools, private industry, and government.
4) Psychologists in independent practice or those who offer any type of patient care—including clinical, counseling, and school psychologists—must meet certification or licensing requirements in all States and the District of Columbia.
5) Aspiring psychologists who are interested in direct patient care must be emotionally stable, mature, and able to deal effectively with people. Sensitivity, compassion, good communication skills, and the ability to lead and inspire others are particularly important qualities for people wishing to do clinical work and counseling.
6) Faster-than-average employment growth is expected for psychologists. Job prospects should be the best for people who have a doctoral degree from a leading university in an applied specialty, such as counseling or health, and those with a specialist or doctoral degree in school psychology.
7) Median annual earnings of wage and salary clinical, counseling, and school psychologists in May 2006 were $59,440. The middle 50 percent earned between $45,300 and $77,750. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $35,280, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $102,730.
8) In many countries it is a regulated profession that addresses moderate to more severe or chronic psychological problems, including diagnosable mental disorders.
9) In Australia, Sweden and New Zealand the term "psychologist" is restricted by law.
10) Central to clinical and counseling psychology is the practice of psychotherapy, which uses a wide range of techniques to change thoughts, feelings, or behaviors in service to enhancing subjective well-being, mental health, and life functioning. Clinical psychologists can work with individuals, couples, children, older adults, families, small groups, and communities.

Information from:,

Friday, February 15, 2008

The Late Post (2/15/08)

Yesterday was Valentines Day, hehehehehe (evil laugh). Dont have much time today, and I just accidentally deleted my old message that was cool enough to put up here. Whups. lol Everyone have a good day. Talk to you Tuesday.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What I Made On The Test!!!!!!

Your Type is INFJ

Strength of the preferences %


Monday, February 11, 2008

First Blog of 2008 (2/11/08)

I got bored one day, so here is the new blog, and here is a little about myself.

I am a sophomore at Maysville High School, due to graduate in 2010 (heck yes!). I play football and run track for Maysville. Im also on the Academic Team for Maysville, probably not that interesting.

I started coming to Maysville High School last year (beginning of freshman year) and I havent even thought about moving since (MAYSVILLE ROCKS!).

The main purpose of this blog is to do something for Computer Applications 2.

You will hear from me again soon, promise (that gives you time to run, if you wish). Until then, dont do anything I wouldnt do.